[wp-forums] Ethical practices of consultants

Joni Mueller joni at jonimueller.com
Thu Jul 1 02:13:24 UTC 2010

I personally never used the word "unethical." I said "unsolicited" or "unwelcomed."  The people who are going to complain about it are the people for whom such a contact is in fact unwelcomed.  Anyone else is going to keep quiet and keep on trucking.  

I think the problem is people chasing business at all costs in the way that has been done in this particular instance.  I mean, come on, Austin.  Hunting down someone on Facebook or elsewhere (anywhere besides the WP Support Forum)?  

Joni Mueller
Pixelita Designs
On Behalf Of Austin Matzko [austin at pressedcode.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 9:02 PM
To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
Subject: Re: [wp-forums] Ethical practices of consultants


Several people in these discussions have labeled this behavior as
"unethical" without any explanation.  What you're calling "unethical"
is applauded by much of the business world as "making a cold sales
call."  I don't like sales much myself so I don't plan to do this, but
just because it's distasteful to us doesn't mean it's unethical.
Lying; defrauding; continuing to contact after having been asked not
to--I suspect most would agree that those are unethical.  But just
offering paid help to an adult?  I don't yet see it; please explain if
you can.


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