[wp-forums] Listing stickies only for whatever purpose

Mark / t31os wp-t31os at ntlworld.com
Sun Feb 28 14:04:16 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I was looking over a few of the stickies today and it struck as being a 
little strange that there's not currently any way, backend and frontend 
of the forums to query for all the sticky posts in the forums, at least 
not as far as i can see.

I would like propose that we tag all these threads with a particular tag 
so we can grab a list of important (stickied) threads easily.

I'd personally enjoy having a quick way to see all the stickies...

Some suggestions:
http://wordpress.org/tags/is_stuck (underscore not hyphen else it will 
match codex entries with the word stuck as related)

Anyone against tagging sticky threads?


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