[wp-forums] Was I right in closing this?

Mark E mark at edwards.org
Tue Feb 23 19:29:37 UTC 2010

Michael B wrote:
>> Just respect the GPL and don't worry about who is asking for what. 9
>> times out of 10 someone asking for plugin code raises awareness for
>> other people about cool add-ons for WP. That benefits everyone.
>> Whether something costs money to DL is irrelevant. So, in my
>> perspective, closing a thread just because someone is asking for a
>> free download link is rather draconian and doesn't serve the community
>> in general.
> Where does it end then?  A Swap Meet forum for sharing paid
> themes/plugins? Mind you, I'm just asking, I don't have any skin in the
> game so to speak when it comes to paid themes/plugins, and have my own
> very strong opinions on the subject.  I'm simply asking whether wp.org
> support forums is the proper place for this to go on.

I think it's an appropriate place to ask if you're going to let people 
post questions about anything other than core WP code. You can't very 
well tell people "you can ask how to fix a theme or plugin or how use 
one but you can't ask where to get it" - people would then in return 
start asking "what the hell is wrong with you?"

I don't see that it matters where it ends. I think a mod's goal ought to 
be to keep the spam out, the conversation civil, and post content 
relevant to WP, and close threads when a solution is clearly arrived at. 
  That's it. Period. Unless you wanna flex some police-state muscle and 
censor stuff just because [insert an excuse].

But that's just my perspective  ;-)


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