[wp-forums] Was I right in closing this?

Mark E mark at edwards.org
Tue Feb 23 18:41:59 UTC 2010

Just respect the GPL and don't worry about who is asking for what. 9 
times out of 10 someone asking for plugin code raises awareness for 
other people about cool add-ons for WP. That benefits everyone. Whether 
something costs money to DL is irrelevant. So, in my perspective, 
closing a thread just because someone is asking for a free download link 
is rather draconian and doesn't serve the community in general.


Michael B wrote:
>> On a side note...  Is Gravity Forms GPL or commercial anyways? Because
>> seriously, upon reflection I wonder if that topic owner had a point...
>> According to http://www.gravityforms.com/terms-and-conditions/ it is
>> licensed GPL. But you can't get it without paying? Seems kinda sketch, as my
>> teens would say...
> Certainly not the place for a license war, but I don't think anything
> precludes a plugin author from licensing a plugin as GPL, and then
> charging for some kind of support cost to download the plugin. A GPL
> license wouldn't prevent anyone from giving that plugin away though.
> Now whether wp.org wants to support people asking for/sharing free
> copies of a paid plugin is another story. I'd lean towards those type
> threads being closed/deleted as has been done.
> But again, not intending to flame that fire, it's been done adnaseum on
> other lists, forums, blog posts…

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