[wp-forums] Issue 17

Chris Kasten handy.solo at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 18:16:19 UTC 2010

> >
> > This user http://wordpress.org/support/profile/5286823 is frequently
> > showing up in the spam queue, but is posting what would seem to be
> > helpful responses.
> >
> > Can someone check and maybe un-bozo if needed?
> > --
> > mrmist
> Problem is, he still can be something of a bozo by posting dupe answers or
> simply wrong answers hours after the fact (with links to his own site), even
> when the first answer was correct.
> Do things like that that rise to threshold of needing bozo-ing? Should
> individual posts be deleted? Or are these kinds of things just facts of life
> in the forums?
> - Mark
Fact of life in the forums :-p

And honestly, those sorts of reasons are why we've traditionally kept the
flag on his accounts.
Hard to balance letting that stuff through against having to moderate every
single one of his (sometimes prolific) posts.

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