[wp-forums] Reducing spam

Mark / t31os wp-t31os at ntlworld.com
Sat Feb 20 13:03:01 UTC 2010

There have been 705 registrations from this domain since January *this 
year*, that's more then just casual spam i'd say. Admins can confirm 
this number by using the domain as a search term in the backend user 
list (count was 705 when i looked this morning - 15 pages worth).

Just wanted to put a figure out there, 705 since January is an 
unacceptable number of registrations for a period of little more then a 
single month, by March we could have well over 1000 registrations for 
this one domain alone.

Automatic staff / team, if you read this mailing list, i'd appreciate 
getting this domain blacklisted so we(admins, mods) can avoid managing 
all these spammy accounts on a *daily* basis. My email is above, feel 
free to drop me a line.


mrmist wrote:
> In message <4B7D6F9F.8080708 at ntlworld.com>, Mark / t31os 
> <wp-t31os at ntlworld.com> writes
>> Hi all,
>> Have made a few reports today in relation to one persistent spammer and
> Nice.  I hope his hosting provider do take action. Quite a few I think 
> just tend to sit on it.

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