[wp-forums] Reducing spam

Micah Cooksey micah at ronnykathy.com
Sat Feb 20 03:24:43 UTC 2010

We should all pitch in and pay the poor guy to write an essay for us  
so he'll stop posting spam lol.

For the culinarily skilled, what do you think about this user: http://wordpress.org/support/profile/5516344

They posted four topics in the "your wordpress" section and every  
single topic they've started has a link to their site.  I'm thinking  
they might be asking random questions to get links.
Micah Cooksey
micah at ronnykathy.com

On Feb 19, 2010, at 3:52 PM, esmi at quirm dot net wrote:

> on 18/02/2010 16:49 Mark / t31os said the following:
>> Have made a few reports today in relation to one persistent spammer  
>> and i'm sure all you guys moderating have noticed, in relation to  
>> posts about "Essays", i'm sure you've seen them, which is done from  
>> an account registered to a unique papers DOT com address.. (we have  
>> upwards of 15 accounts at least i believe from this domain alone).
> It's back...
> http://wordpress.org/support/profile/5796829
> -- 
> Mel
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