[wp-forums] Codex: Using Permalinks

t31os wp_t31os at t31os.co.cc
Mon Feb 8 14:36:28 UTC 2010

Hi to all,

Perhaps this may help shed a little more light on the subject although 
not entirely relevant, their are some pieces of discussion in that topic 
that may be of interest.


I think part of the issue arises in using permalinks that don't have a 
numeric value in them, the performance hit comes from the intensive 
pattern matching apache then has to perform to determine what content it 
should be displaying.

When you use numeric values, like months and years you actually make it 
easier for apache to find the content (the pattern matching need not be 
quite as complex to find what it needs), in turn performance is better.

I could of sworn a read a topic on the hackers list on performance 
specifically with permalink structures, but in all my searching i cannot 
for the life of me find the thread now, so perhaps i imagined it.

Mark D

aka t31os

esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
> on 08/02/2010 10:43 mrmist said the following:
>>> <http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks#Structure_Tags>
>> I wonder if Scribu doesn't mean 3.0 rather than 2.0.  Probably one for 
>> the Codex list or the talk page...
> Just signed up to to wp-docs and added a comment to the Talk page.
> esmi
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