[wp-forums] What do we do with a poster whose URL is trademark vio?

Mark Ratledge mark at markratledge.com
Tue Dec 21 18:18:15 UTC 2010

That user has done it before here, and under slghtly different names, and also has had their reputation zeroed out at Stack Overflow for spam posts under wordpressapi. Their site: http://wordpressapi.com

On Dec 21, 2010, at 11:10 AM, ipstenu at ipstenu.org wrote:

> http://wordpress.org/support/profile/wordpressapi posts somewhat helpful posts but he's either intentionally pimping his site or just trying to help without understanding what he's doing.
> In one of his posts, I removed the email link but I haven't decided to unspam this one since I can't sort if I should edit it or what...
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/hierarchical-custom-post-type-cant-specify-parent?replies=1&view=all#post-1847684
> I'm tempted to yank everything but the first two sentances and replace it with
> [Blatant self-promotion removed - Your URL is in violation of the WordPress trademark usage policy (see http://wordpressfoundation.org/trademark-policy/ for details) and you are not providing the poster with any significant assistance.]

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