[wp-forums] How to stop an offensive user?

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Wed Dec 15 09:26:09 UTC 2010

Ah, good point. I've been flagging as both anyway. :)

James Huff

On Dec 15, 2010, at 12:18 AM, Rich Pedley <elfin at elfden.co.uk> wrote:

> On 15/12/2010 01:37, James Huff wrote:
>> Do you have a way to mark him as bozo or Akismet do-not-trust on
>> the ru forums?
>> Having fought a few forum fires myself, I can attest that all
>> Inactive and Block do is tell the user to make a new account.
>> If you can mark him as bozo or Akismet do-not-trust, he'll still
>> think that his posts are getting through (only he will see then)
>> and you can just bulk delete them at the end of the day.
> Remember all akismet do-not-trust does is to put the message through akismet, it does not auto mark them as spam - that's what bozo does.
> (and before you well whats the point, the other part of the plugin allows you to flag users you don't want to go through akismet).
> Rich
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