[wp-forums] Edited WAY old welcome post

ipstenu at ipstenu.org ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Dec 14 20:53:51 UTC 2010

Quoting esmi at quirm dot net <esmi at quirm.net>:

> on 14/12/2010 19:55 ipstenu at ipstenu.org said the following:
>> I've been battling a migraine for two days
> You have my profound sympathy.

When I was 18 I stopped someone's soccer cleat with my head trying to  
stop a goal (I did). Add in weather changes and the stupid paint fumes  
at work... Not a happy me.

>> and
>> playing politics at work so my perspective right now is a bit of 'Kill
>> them all with FIIIIIIIRE!'
> Um - and this is not normal...how? ;-)

I usually put up a pretense of being nicer!  I don't think I've called  
anyone a moron on the forums for a while now ;)

I does astound me where people pull out their documentation "This  
non-sticky post is from 2001! I should totally use it, right? Even  
though there's a more recent welcome posted up at the top of every  
single forum on the boards! A moderator wrote it!"


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