[wp-forums] Looking for Consultants (and Where have I been?)

Rich Pedley elfin at elfden.co.uk
Tue Dec 14 18:18:30 UTC 2010

On 14/12/2010 18:10, James Huff wrote:
> Howdy, folks!
> I'm sorry I haven't been around lately.  I've actually been
> "batting for the other team," as a Happiness Engineer supporting
> WordPress.com and IntenseDebate, so it's been taking most of the
> time that I usually spend hovering over the forums like a hawk. :)

wow congrats, hadn't realised you were moving upwards, sideways, or is 
it spirally ...

Pleased for you.

> I'm still doing my best to stop by and answer questions and
> moderate things for an hour or two a day, and I'm especially
> keeping a close eye on the Akismet, WordPress.com Stats, and
> IntenseDebate tags.

oo Akismet eh... hmmm.

> Big props Ipstenu and Rich for recently stepping up to the plate
> and totally rocking the mod hat.

I'm not doing that much, but do tend to visit the spam queue a lot.

> As Murphy and his bloody Law would have it, I'm now getting more
> consulting requests than ever.  I'm directing these to the Jobs
> site, but I'd like to form a list of trusted consultants for my
> repeat clients.  Most these are "I want this super simple thing,
> please do it for me."  If you'd like to be on the list, please let
> me know. :)

typical eh!


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