[wp-forums] Permalinks issue - but only on archive/listing pagination

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Wed Dec 8 21:20:16 UTC 2010

Does anyone fancy chiming in on:


Covered so far:
- switched to 2010 (no change)
- deactivated all plugins & reset plugins folder (no change)
- checked .htaccess file (looks fine)
- running MySQL 5 and PHP 5.2.14

Switching to default permalinks solves the problem but the OP would, 
obviously, like to use pretty permalinks.

The 404 is actually a server/hosting 404 page - not WP's - which 
suggests that something is redirecting the url before it gets to WP. 
Running Joomla concurrently but that's on a completely different dn with 
its own root folder.

Other than trying to implement a custom set of rewrite rules based on 
the host's example, I'm all out of ideas...


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