[wp-forums] Requesting back up

andrea_r andrea at ronandandrea.com
Mon Aug 30 21:05:23 UTC 2010

and now there's built in export file chunking up options.

(I know, technical term...)


Joni Mueller wrote:
> Interesting.  And thanks for sharing that. It might spare someone else their hair, fingernails and sanity.  
> I'm curious. When you have such a big file, doesnt' WP refuse to export it because it exceeds the 8MB size limitation or was that done away with in 3.0 OR is that a web host/server-specific limitation?
> I had that issue with a client's 70+MB XML file and I had to use a script to break the file down into small bits and export it that way.  
> Joni
> Joni Mueller
> Pixelita Designs
> http://www.pixelita.com
> ________________________________________
> From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com [wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of James Huff [macmanx at gmail.com]
> Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2010 3:51 PM
> To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
> Subject: Re: [wp-forums] Requesting back up
> I just wanted to let everyone know that Michael Adams (mdawaffe) found a solution for me last night.
> <snipped>
> Unfortunately, there were so many posts and pages (about 8,000+ combined) that exporting the whole thing resulted in a blank file, which left us with two choices.  Bumping PHP's memory allocation to 256M via php.ini allowed us to export the whole thing, and (also thanks to Michael) replacing line 78 of /wp-admin/includes/export.php with $tags = (array) wp_get_object_terms( $post_ids, 'post_tag' ); allowed us to export month by month without bumping the memory.
> Thanks again to Michael and everyone else who offered to help!
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