[wp-forums] Requesting back up

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 01:35:06 UTC 2010

More news.  I've restored a backup of the client's database to my freshly installed test blog, and I have the same problem.

So, now we have a fresh WP 3.0.1, Twenty Ten, no plugins whatsoever, and no "Download Export File" button.

Increasing memory to 256 did not help.


James Huff

On Aug 28, 2010, at 6:12 PM, Andrew Nacin wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 9:04 PM, James Huff <macmanx at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Okay, I'm screwed.  I'm helping a client and I'm out of options.  I don't
>> really want to post this on the forums, because well, I'm helping a client.
>> :(
>> He has no "Download Export File" button at Tools/Export.  We've reset
>> plugins, switched to Twenty Ten, and replaced all core files.
>> Like I said, I'm screwed.
>> Thanks in advance!
> Check the page source. There's no reason for it not to show up, but I'm
> wondering if it is there but under certain conditions we are generating bad
> HTML causing the browser to hide it. If you can find it in the source,
> please send that to me off-list so I can inspect.
> The alternative, if there's no admin footer even showing up on the page, is
> that you've run out of memory before the button can be generated. I'm not
> aware of anything too intensive on export.php, but that would explain a page
> from silently stopping from fully loading.
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