[wp-forums] it's Monday 2.0

S Bollinger srb333 at att.net
Wed Aug 18 16:44:49 UTC 2010

  I, like esmi, have avoided the guy like a plague. I think the better 
question here is - why are we unspamming his replies. He's been bozed 
more than once. Let's leave him bozed and just delete his replies from 
any thread he chimes in on.
Also, that thread should be closed, imo. Ipstenu and Andrea have done a 
great job of explaining the way servers work and that wordpress can't 
change this behavior. The fact is - he just likes to argue and get a 
rise out of folks.
Samuel B.

On 8/18/2010 9:18 AM, esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
> on 18/08/2010 14:35 andrea_r said the following:
>> *sigh*
>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/multisites-work-actual-subdomains-being-redirected?replies=19#post-1648992 
>> Anyone else want to chime in and tell him that WordPress cannot 
>> manipulate the server in the way he claims?
> Andrea, if you can't help him, I doubt anyone can.
>> After following his tale of woe, I'm 99% certain it's his host, but
>> he's stubbornly refusing to try somewhere else so he can "get his
>> money's worth" for paying for 3 years up front. (that was in a
>> separate thread)
> I'm not 100% convinced that this person wants to be helped. He seems 
> more interested in arguing within any thread that he starts and has 
> been downright unpleasant in more than one thread. Personally, I avoid 
> his topics with a very long barge pole. If that means his questions go 
> unanswered... *shrug*
> Perhaps he needs to learn a few social niceties first.
> Mel
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