[wp-forums] I'm off to bed

it's EMG its.emg at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 22:51:44 UTC 2010

That person's post is an awesome example of how good people get bad rep.
Esmi, that was an awesome response to that person's 'It's not my fault!'


On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 3:08 PM, esmi at quirm dot net <esmi at quirm.net>wrote:

> on 16/08/2010 22:39 Mr mist said the following:
>  So I won't be following up on any more of this -
>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/why-did-my-post-get-moved?replies=14
>> I haven't bozoed, either.  Yet.
>> It has been amusing.  I'm still not sure why you'd come to a WordPress
>> forum to find non-WordPress code.
> I didn't even realise he was after non-WP code. I thought he was after some
> sort of plugin. *I* moved the original post and have said so in the thread.
> I really only was trying to help him!
> Perhaps there's something in the air:
> <
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/bad-to-worse-from-not-getting-most-anything-to-work-to-totally-disabled?replies=7
> >
> Another one close to the bozo threshold - especially since he started the
> current thread by bad-mouthing the help that Otto bent over backwards to
> provide in:
> <http://wordpress.org/support/topic/any-drag-and-drop-editors?replies=9>
> Incidentally, no less than 4 people in 4 different threads have tried to
> explain to him what a web server is and why WP (and other web apps) need
> one.
> Mel
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