[wp-forums] found it

Rich Pedley elfin at elfden.co.uk
Sat Aug 14 21:24:59 UTC 2010

On 14/08/2010 22:02, James Huff wrote:
> I don't think the code was active, it was just filtered as a
> warning by AVG.
> I'd be concerned about filtering.  You know the old saying, once
> you filter the bad stuff, you filter the good stuff too.  If we
> start filtering things like "eval(" we'll be unintentionally
> filtering users who have a legitimate reason for posting something
> like that.
> As suggested by Samuel on that topic, I think we need to be
> stricter about simply removing pasted code and referring users to
> the pastebin.

Small snippets of code are fine, but to how many lines would you say 
is ok to post? 20, 30?

Providing of course they use `...` for the code would it be possible 
to add an automatic check, and reject the post if it exceeds the value?


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