[wp-forums] Looking for Forum Allstar Nominations

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 19:03:40 UTC 2010

Ah, I missed that during my hiatus. Still, it's almost a year old. :)

James Huff

On Aug 11, 2010, at 3:10 AM, Jane Wells <jane at automattic.com> wrote:

> In message <28424818-B8FC-4EEB-8AB1-529FEEA7F78F at gmail.com>, James Huff <macmanx at gmail.com> writes
>>> Since last month, I've been blogging away at weblogtoolscollection.com . As such, I'm always on the look-out for new content.
>>> As a long-time forum volunteer and recent-ish moderator, I've been dying to do some sort of a "Support Forum Allstars" post featuring the top 10 or 20 active contributors.  Why let the developers get all of the recognition, right?
> http://wordpress.org/news/2009/11/a-little-support/ did just this in November.
> j
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