[wp-forums] a couple of things

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 21:35:12 UTC 2010

Yes, I've noticed #1 quite a bit lately.  It's starting to behave like it did before the upgrade.

As for #2, that would be nice too.

James Huff

On Aug 10, 2010, at 2:25 PM, S Bollinger wrote:

> when filtering for spam lately - every time the 1st load shows no posts
> refresh the page and they all appear - like this morn. - 4 pages worth of spam
> does anyone else have this problem?
> 2nd - what are the chances of getting back the former behavior in our profiles? i.e. replies are moved to the top.
> as it is now, if I'm very active I have to drill down 4-5 pages to find responses. I'm sure I miss some and I hate to look like I abandoned a thread.
> Samuel B.
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