[wp-forums] Ampersands in backticked code still being encoded

Sam Bauers sam at automattic.com
Sat May 9 01:03:56 GMT 2009

I can confirm that. I think the fix has been inadvertently reverted.  
I'll check this out.


On 09/05/2009, at 7:27 AM, esmi at quirm dot net <esmi at quirm.net> wrote:

> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/268966?replies=2#post-1068759
> Relevant code:
> <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1');?>
> Converted to:
> <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&amp;depth=1');?>
> Tried to edit it at least 4 times during which I tried everything  
> except turning cartwheels in a prevailing west wind - but no joy.
> esmi
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