[wp-forums] MichaelH forums wishlist

Sam Bauers sam at automattic.com
Mon Mar 9 00:42:23 GMT 2009

Hi All,

Thanks MichaelH for making this list...


I'm going to use it as a basis for a todo list for the forums.

Things are hampered a bit by the fact that wp-forums are running  
bbPress 0.9, but I'll be looking at migrating to 1.0-beta when it is  
released (we don't mind being guinea-pigs for bbPress right?)

My to do list (in order but with original numbering) is looking like:

2. That the Threads Started column worked, and that those topics would  
display in both Recent Replies and Threads Started
--- Wow, probably just a bug in the template.

11. That the Version pulldown box was more current.

12. That the Version field was able to be corrected.
--- By original poster and moderator or higher.

5. That the search field at the top right of the forum screen worked  
correctly (e.g. paste 'Warning: Division by zero', click on Go, and  
get the message "We couldn't find anything!", but then immediately  
click the presented Search button and it finds results).

6. That the forum tag field allowed the same number of characters as  
the tag field that gets created when a post is originated at extend/ 

8. That tags for themes linked to the appropriate extend/theme (like  

7. That a suitable tag could link to Trac (e.g. tracxxxx where xxxx is  
the Trac ticket number).
--- One thing that is possible is a variation on this. I have a plugin  
already that enables trac style links to tickets and changesets using  
#1234 and [4321] trac style notation respectively in the body of posts.

10. That the post quicktags were available when 'editing' a post.

Will take longer ------------------

13. That there was some way to decrease the number of duplicate posts  
caused by people not understanding that their post are being held  
--- We have experienced some replication lag at certain times of the  
day when heavy MySQL tasks are being run for other services. Barry has  
been trying to reduce their impact, but it may never be perfect. Some  
duplicate post check should be possible.

1. That the Recent Replies under "View your profile" could be sorted,  
descending, by the time of the last comment.
3. That the search results could be sorted by time, or last commenter,  
or topic id, or title, ascending or descending.
4. That search results could be filtered by original author, or last  
commenter, or date, or forum (e.g. Installation).
--- Sorting by columns like this should be a core feature of bbPress  
and I need to work out a more holistic method that can be applied  
across almost all lists.

May not happen ------------------

14. That the list of topics, in each forum, and All Topics, displayed  
the name of the first, and last, commenter.
--- Not convinced this is essential, feedback welcome.

9. That a post could be previewed before being committed.
--- Not convinced when editing is available, but feedback welcome.  
There is a plugin for this I believe.

If anyone can add their input to the order of this list or any  
additions then please reply to me directly or to this list.

Thanks, Sam

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