[wp-forums] We need bulk actions!

Chris Kasten handy.solo at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 16:54:57 UTC 2009

On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Michael B <miklb.online at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 12/23/09 11:09 AM, Chris Kasten wrote:
> > Side note:
> > Active mods really should try to pop in and check the list every now and
> > then. We shouldn't get 2 weeks into the hole.
> >
> I'm looking to do more, and while moderating a spammer the other night,
> noticed the spam queue full of posts that at first glance seemed
> innocuous, but having been away for some time, wasn't sure if what the
> policy is for rescuing posts from Akismet.  I'd be glad to help keep an
> eye on the list if someone could point me to a general policy for rescuing.
> ~miklb

Which is definitely something we should get into the Codex!

I should mention that it seems a lot of the spam is from a massive flood
from just a few users/bots a couple days ago, I'm certainly not trying to
shame anyone! Heck, as I mentioned, I haven't been around much either :-)

Working the akismet queue is pretty straight-forward.
(mods only)

To reach it, login and then click the "Admin" link next to your name. Click
on "Manage" and then click on "Akismet Spam". There's your queue.

For each item in the queue you need to make some determinations.
Is it clearly spam? (smuggled links, blatant ads, etc.). Then click the
"delete" link.
Might also check that users profile and make sure they're either bozo'd or
blocked. I tend to bozo 'em at first. Then if I start recognizing the name
back in the queue on subsequent days I block.

Not sure? I'll usually check the users profile or the linked topic to see:
a) Is this a valid new topic?
b) Does this contribute to listed topic?

Sometimes have to do both to catch dupes. Some folks panic when their new
post doesn't show up and try again. and again. and again...

Those are just the basics, but hopefully it helps.



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