[wp-forums] Weird links?

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Tue Sep 30 19:56:40 GMT 2008

Broken in IE7, although the links under the other links are still
clickable there, by a couple pixels or so.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Jeremy Clark
<wp-list at clarktech.no-ip.com> wrote:
> I can't believe I'm saying this, but it looks fine in IE6
> ....
> Did the world stop turning there for a second?
> ....
> Please see about getting this working again FF
> Thanks
> Jeremy
> On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 09:29:18 -0500, Otto <otto at ottodestruct.com> wrote:
>> Yo, what up with the "Support topics that are not resolved and more
>> than 2 hours old" link? It's a great idea, but unfortunately it's
>> horking up the display in Firefox, and my Profile link is now no
>> longer clickable. Nor is the Admin link underneath it, which is kinda
>> important.
>> -Otto
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