[wp-forums] Advice For Using The WordPress Forum

Jeff Chandler jeffro at jeffro2pt0.com
Thu Nov 20 15:23:44 GMT 2008

Great stuff Michael, thats what I was looking for. Thanks for the 

Michael E. Hancock wrote:
> From: "Jeff Chandler" <jeffro at jeffro2pt0.com>
>> I'm planning on writing a featured article on the use of the 
>> WordPress forums which will provide tips, advice, etc...
> Jeff,
> Here's a few things:
> 1.  A new user may want to read the Forum Rules at 
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/68664?replies=6
> 2.  Report inappropriate posts/threads by adding the 'modlook' tag to 
> that thread
> 3.  Link to Codex article by using the wiki code of two beginning and 
> ending brackets.  [[Template Hierarchy]] will create a link to that 
> article in Codex.
> 4.  Try to place your question in the correct Forum--if it is related 
> to Plugins use the Plugins and Hacks Forum.
> 5.  If needing to put a large code example in your thread, paste the 
> code in a pastebin and put the link to that code in the thread
> 6.  Click on View Your Profile to see all your threads.  Note:  
> Currently the Threads Started feature is broken.
> 7.  You can initiate a forum topic from a particular plugin at the 
> WordPress Extend Plugins site.  At the bottom of each plugin page 
> there is a "Write a new topic" link that displays a form to enter the 
> topic and automatically creates a tag related to that specific plugin 
> and automatically selects the Plugins and Hacks Forum.
> 8. A new topic is started by first selecting (entering) the particular 
> Forum (e.g. Installation) and at the bottom of the screen, the New 
> Topic form is displayed.
> 9. Use the Version box when starting a new topic.  If the Version 
> isn't listed, select Other and then type the Version in the box.
> 10. A tip from LesBessant--you can hide the tag cloud in Firefox by 
> adding the file usercontent.css to the 
> ...\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxx.default\chrome folder.  Put this 
> in the file:
> .frontpageheatmap, #hottags {
> display: none;
> }
> 11. Use the Report a Site Bug link at the bottom of the screen to 
> report bugs with the forum software.
> 12 . When creating a new topic, make the topic be descriptive and 
> brief. "Help me now" is a poor topic.
> 13.  If asking a question about a plugin or theme provide a link to 
> download the plugin/theme.
> 14.  Use meaningful tags.  Using the same tags as the topic isn't very 
> useful, but using keywords from the topic is good.
> 15.  Make use of the search before starting a new topic.  Also a 
> Google search such as "wordpress plugin cforms" will return a good 
> list of info about the Cforms plugin.
> MichaelH
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