[wp-forums] resolved threads

Michael Torbert mrtorbert at gmail.com
Mon May 5 07:47:31 GMT 2008

As an active contributor to the WordPress forums, I certainly appreciate the
work that the moderators do for those with questions.  Having said that,
I've come to realize that the "resolved" functionality is pretty much
useless.  Thread starters almost never mark their thread as resolved once it
is.  This makes viewing only unresolved threads a waste of time, as many are
long since resolved.
Though I recognize the time and effort that the mods put in to monitoring
and assisting, it would be helpful if they'd briefly review threads to mark
them as resolved as needed.  Also, I've noticed a recent rise in spam posts
(I can't see that this actually accomplishes anything useful to the spammer)
and it would be nice if a moderator would remove these.
Of course I realize that it may be a little much to expect mods to be
completely aware of every single post in all the categories at all times.
To assist with this, it would be nice to have "report as spam" and "report
as resolved" or something to that effect for us non-mod contributors to use
so that at least they'd have something to look for.

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