[wp-forums] New Forum Users and their Profiles

Sam Bauers sam at automattic.com
Mon Jul 28 19:47:53 GMT 2008

Sorry, I replied to this before seeing Mike's responses on the  
previous thread.

I thought you were referring to the core bbPress changes that took  
place recently, rather than the special treatment the WordPress forums  
have received recently.


On 27/07/2008, at 8:43 PM, Sam Bauers wrote:

>> I understand that we're blocking new users from their profiles for a
>> length
>> of time.
>> * How long?
>> * What's the purpose? If it is truly to block spammers, how's it  
>> working
>> out? (or heck, how does this block spammers anyways?)
> It doesn't block spammers, it just denies them a profile page until  
> they
> verify their registration.
>> There's a fair number of posts in the past month related to new  
>> users not
>> being able to manage their profiles. The two most common complaints  
>> appear
>> to be related to not being able to see their topics list or change  
>> their
>> password. Speaking for myself, not being able to see my topics list  
>> would
>> drive me away...
> I'll give this a look and see if I can find what is up, clearly  
> there is a
> lingering problem.
>> Is this a temporary or stop-gap change?
>> Are there plans to get back to normal at some point?
> It's meant to be temporary, hopefully the problems it's causing  
> won't be :)
> Sam
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