[wp-forums] New Forum Users and their Profiles

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Sun Jul 27 14:06:49 GMT 2008

Questions for the folks managing the bbPress forums software.

I understand that we're blocking new users from their profiles for a length
of time.

* How long?
* What's the purpose? If it is truly to block spammers, how's it working
out? (or heck, how does this block spammers anyways?)

There's a fair number of posts in the past month related to new users not
being able to manage their profiles. The two most common complaints appear
to be related to not being able to see their topics list or change their
password. Speaking for myself, not being able to see my topics list would
drive me away...

Is this a temporary or stop-gap change?
Are there plans to get back to normal at some point?

Thanks for any light to be shed. If nothing else, we need to be able to get
a consistent message out to folks.

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