[wp-forums] Read Topics

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 00:43:03 GMT 2008

On 2/9/08, Handy <handy.solo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Really? I'm the only one that has to re-log in every time visiting the
> forums? I've tried with 4 browsers and 3 machines.
> And while I'm whinging, I can't edit posts any more.  My changes aren't
> saved -- either from the akismet queue view or after un-spamming and trying
> from the the forum list.
> Oops, my latest test was a bit different.

Couldn't edit anything in the spam queue. But once I released it I could
edit it. Not quite as bad I suppose, but it would be nice to fix 'em *before
* releasing 'em if possible?

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