[wp-forums] Forum oddnesses...

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Mon Apr 21 01:02:42 GMT 2008


And how about changing the skin to style followed links differently?

I've got a topic like this in these forums already being ignored. If we
duplicate these sorts of topics enough times can we hope for any sort of
response from the non-volunteers who actually hold the keys?

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 2:43 AM, Les Bessant <les at lcb.me.uk> wrote:

> A few things, most of which have probably been mentioned before, but which
> could really do with some TLC:
> 1. Deleting posts from the Akismet queue: expected behaviour is for the
> page to refresh with the deleted post gone. Actual behaviour often involves
> being taken to the forum where the post was entered. Not good, and gets
> frustrating after a while.
> 2. Editing posts from the Akismet queue: expected behaviour is to get an
> edit box, the ability to save the post and then "unspam" it. Actual
> behaviour is to get an edit box, save changes, get a green message page
> telling you the topic is not found. Returning to the Akismet queue shows the
> changes are not saved. Work around would seem to be to "unspam" then edit,
> but that could lead to severe borkage if posts contain messy code.
> 3. While the new look to the forums is a great improvement, we have lost
> some useful visual cues. Spammed messages used to have a different colour
> background, which made it much easier to pick them out. Restoring this for
> mods would be a help.
> --
> Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
> Losing it[1] - http://lcb.me.uk
> My flickr pictures - http://flickr.com/photos/lesbessant/
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