[wp-forums] Support Forum Feature Request

MichaelH justmichaelh at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 20:07:59 GMT 2008

From: "Austin Matzko" <if.website at gmail.com>
> Could you please sort the "User Activity" page by when the last
> comment on a thread was made?  Currently, it seems to be sorted by the
> time at which you made your first comment on a thread, which I don't
> think is overly useful to anybody.
> Sorting by the time of the last comment would allow you to see right
> away if someone has responded to something you've written.  Now, not
> only is it difficult to scan for new replies, but also when people
> reply to posts you made years ago, you never know because it's buried
> in back pages.

Hopefully the devs are cogitating on this--been requested before:


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