[wp-forums] Re: wp-forums "Tone"

wordpress forums wordpress.forums at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 21:03:39 GMT 2007

While I appreciate your analysis of my psyche, you are a little off base.

That said, you are absolutely correct about my not backing down when
confronted, and I don't make alot of excuses about that. Perhaps that's a
behaviour dates back some two years ago when I was called a bitch on those
same forums by a then moderator and the post and the thread was allowed to
sit for all to read. For months, untouched.

In other words, I'll say this, when I dont feel that I am treated
respectfully and I cannot depend on the people that are are SUPPOSED to be
the moderaters doing their jobs, stepping in as it is to diffuse a
situation, much less even moderating their own replies.. of course I am
going to defend myself.

I will admit I could be more diplomatic, EVERYONE can be more diplomatic, so
that a gimmee. But I disagree with the premise that it falls to the "old
timers" or whatever to "turn the other cheek" etc.. Being new, or not
knowing something, not understanding, doesnt give ANYONE the right to just
shoot off personal remarks at their leisure without expecting some


Now,  podz knows my email, hell even Matt knows my e-mail -- so they can
contact me if theres anything else to discuss. Please feel free to carry on
disecting strangers.

On 9/13/07, Yosemite <yosemite at samdevol.com> wrote:
> wp-forums-request at lists.automattic.com wrote:
> > Subject:
> > RE: [wp-forums] Tone
> > From:
> > "Melanie" <melanie at itcouldbenothing.com>
> > Date:
> > Wed, 12 Sep 2007 08:25:14 -0400
> > To:
> > <wp-forums at lists.automattic.com>
> >
> > To:
> > <wp-forums at lists.automattic.com>
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > what I see is a person who is trying to figure out something, asks a
> > question, and the your response is pretty much, "ha ha - you're a total
> > idiot."
> While I might not agree with that, per se, I do identify with your
> experience and observations (although mine might be more dated).
> From my experiences, 40+% of all the complaints/issues usually involve
> either moshu or whoami. Another 20% seem to involve the same 5 to 10
> people (me included?) and the rest are the same ol' communication
> problems you find in any forum.
> Moshu has some legitimate language issues (esl) and when challenged will
> acknowledge and make an effort to say 'not intended'.  Whoami doesn't
> seem to make any such excuse nor take refuge in 'communication errors'.
> Whatever her reasons, she seems pretty confident that this is the
> appropriate tone/language, to use. I disagree, primarily because it
> turns the forum into an adversarial situation (re: BOFH -->
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BOFH). When confronted, whoami typically
> will respond in a way that ratchets up the tension (unlike moshu) and I
> don't see any positive results to this.
> This behavior is very much like the school-yard bully that we later (in
> life) learn is attributable to a fear disorder, and it is entirely
> antithetical to a 'support' environment. In short; Understandable, but
> not acceptable.
> But I have no control over any of this, I can only control myself (most
> of the time?) so I too made the only decision I do have control over: I
> avoid the support forums.
> --
> -Sam Devol
> samdevol.com
> We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming. -
> Wernher von Braun
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