[wp-forums] Plugin posts

Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Thu Sep 13 18:45:17 GMT 2007

It would be really nice if when people have questions about plugins, the url
of the plugin in question could be added to their post rather than just a
tag with the name of the plugin. 

The system now in place, where someone browsing the Plugin Directory clicks
the "Write a new topic" link, and quite reasonably assumes that having been
sent to the posting form from the plugin page, that people will know what
they're talking about, seems to cause confusion among posters, helpers, and
anyone else who might be passing.

While directing plugin questions to the forums is a reasonable concept, its
execution is a wee bit lacking. Anyone wanting to help first has to
recognise that the poster is talking about a plugin (not always obvious, as
some people don't phrase questions all that clearly), then recognise *which*
plugin, and possibly find some information on the plugin. Clicking the tag
sometimes produces hints, but often doesn't.


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