[wp-forums] Tone

wordpress forums wordpress.forums at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 19:55:42 GMT 2007

Ya know .. it would be especially nice if items that were tagged with
modlook got looked at occassionally.

Unless someone is waiting for me to reply to this?


I really enjoy being a cunt on a public forum.

On 9/7/07, spencerp <spencerp1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Les Bessant wrote:
> > Still here, just not spending as much time on the forums as I once did...
> >
> > I can see some of what I would call rudeness, though more of it from people
> > not getting the answers they want to hear rather than from people answering
> > questions. I can also see some *cough* robust responses from some people,
> > which might be taken as "rude" by some people.
> >
> I agree. This has been going on for some time now.
> > But more of it looks like people reading "tone" into plain text, which has
> > as much to do with the reader's frame of mind (or their grasp of English
> > sometimes) than any intent on the part of the writer of the text.
> >
> I agree with this as well. Heck, it's been said numerous of times, even
> before I was made a moderator before. Everyone interprets plain text
> differently. And most on the forums has their own way or understanding
> of "English" too. Some of us are guilty of throwing in sarcasm and chat
> into our responses, and that should stop as well. Need to focus on the
> answers only. Short and to the point type of answers are the best. Well,
> usually. ;) :P
> > I like the suggestion of removing rude remarks, though. It might encourage
> > people to think before they post...
> >
> Wasn't this a Rule from way back? Haven't the mods been enforcing the
> Rules? :P
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/68664?replies=6
> Section B, numbers 3, 4, and 5.
> But yes, I agree with that also. Remove the Rude Remarks. No need for
> un-needed excess junk and rudeness in a Support Forum..
> > Then of course, there are threads like
> > http://wordpress.org/support/topic/133180?replies=21. Meep.
> Ouch. They're still out for Moshu's blood I see. =(
> "It doesn't matter if the help is free - they are as entitled to ask as
> you are entitled to ignore their question."
> I know it's not about FREE help. I suppose I should have included that
> in my previous email, I was just stating some other things that were on
> my mind. Perhaps the original discussion email wasn't the best place to
> slap it in, but yeah. My apologizes.
> "Hostility causes hostility. It's circular. And the only people who can turn
> that downward spiral around are those that are there constantly in the
> forums. There is no other way."
> I can agree with that.
> --
> spencerp
> http://spencerp.net
> http://www.vindictivebastard.net
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