[wp-forums] Customizing our user profile page

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 19:12:19 GMT 2007

Hey Brock,

On 10/17/07, Brock Angelo <brockangelo at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been using my profile page to track what forum topics I've
> commented on, but since they don't use the "freshness" feature that
> the forums use, its hard to see when someone has replied.

I tend to use the same browser for most of my forum excursions, so I can
usually just scan the left column for unread (dark) links.

Ok, by hard I mean, I have to scroll down the list and read each one
> to see if anyone has replied. I know, I'm being winey.

:-)  When on different browsers, I just scroll down and eyeball the last
activity time and kinda estimate if something happened since my last visit.

Is there any customization of this page, or are there mods out there
> who have better ways of tracking each post you help out on?

This is where we hope that someone pops up and says, "hey guys, didn't you
know you could get an RSS feed?"  ;-)

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