[wp-forums] My experience with wordpress

Bikas Mishra moveye at gmail.com
Sat May 26 16:42:32 GMT 2007

thanks Samuel a ton,
In retrospect, I should have contacted Install4free team instead of 
burning my fingers. thanks a ton really.
Your installation works great, i'm importing the blog here.
The issue still is the side bar, wanted to use Neo Sapiense theme, have 
widgetized it. however, am facing a new problem---
though i can drag and drop widgets in all the three sidebars, however, 
have no control over sidebar 1 (right ) whatever i drop here, goes below 
sidebar 2 (middle), default calendar and search remain on right bar. and 
default blogroll remain below middle bar.
also, there's a huge black empty space at the bottom, that was not there 
at moveye.wordpress.com

thanks a ton again for the installation, it works grt.

warm regards,

Samuel Bollinger wrote:
> Hi Bikas,
> Your new install works great. Now before you do anything.
> Go to moveye.wordpress.com and log in to the dashboard.
> Click on Export.
> Follow instructions and download file to your computer.
> Now - got to your new install at dearcinema.com and log in.
> Click on Import.
> Follow instructions and import the file from your computer.
> Everything should now be imported to your new blog.
> Samuel
> Bikas Mishra wrote:
>> I was blogging on custom domain blogger, for last 4 day-nights have 
>> been trying to shift to self hosted wordpress.
>> first, i created a test site moveye.wordpress.com, it worked great. 
>> It was fairly easy to import posts, comments and everythng from 
>> blogger to wordpress.com blog using import option.
>> the problem started when I tried to replicate moveye.wordpress.com to 
>> my self hosted wordpress site at DearCinema.com.
>> I'm listing the problems here:-
>> a) the wordpress my host installed lacked many controls, i checked 
>> and was told, this is the latest safe version 2.0.5, contacted other 
>> hosting companies, including they refused to install 2.2 citing 
>> security (!!!) reasons
>> b)I upgraded manually, reading instructions at wordpress.org
>> c) though the theme I'd selected Neo Sapiense worked great at 
>> wordpress.com, on self hosted I'd no control on the widgets?
>> d) finally thanks to this forum, somehow I widgetized it, but even 
>> though I moved around widgets default ones won't go off..
>> e) with 2.2 or 2.0.5 self hosted import from blogger didn't happen
>> f) when I create a new page, a top navigation won't be created...
>> f) had no rich text editor
>> g) when I selected code, on write post/page,,the box to write in 
>> would disappear
>> h) there was tons of blank space at the bottom of page
>> h) considering I might have upgrade it wrong, I reinstalled the 
>> wordpress 2.0.5 provided by the hosting company and installed widget 
>> plug in, however, widget tab didn't show up in the presentation menu
>> i) finally have requested install4free team to help me out and 
>> reinstall..in the process for last 4 days my site is down.
>> summary: had thought wordpress is easy to use, simple and great 
>> blogging platform, now think, first I should learn about PHP, HTML, 
>> CSS and all the stuff before thinking about blogging with wordpress.
>> my failed dram:
>> replicating http://moveye.wordpress.com at http://dearcinema.com,
>> never mind.
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