[wp-forums] Auto-close threads?

Matt Mullenweg m at mullenweg.com
Mon Mar 26 23:20:02 GMT 2007

Handy wrote:
> Hey, this is kinda cool...  While searching for something in the forums
> earlier today I noticed that a lot of older topics were closed.  Not marked
> [Closed], as if a mod closed, but with a closed message at the bottom 
> and no
> ability to continue the topic.

Sorry for the lateness, I had missed this message before.

In response to the feedback here that old threads and such were causing 
problems, we wrote a small plugin to close threads older than a year and 
it should also start taking older threads out of the search, so 
hopefully search will start to work better.

Matt Mullenweg
  http://photomatt.net | http://wordpress.org
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