[wp-forums] Notifications

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 00:16:15 GMT 2007

Howdy Chris,

What's your username on the forums?

> Is there an easy way to track follow
> ups to help requested you've helped on?

Easiest way for me is to just click on the "View Your Profile" link at the
upper right of all the support forum pages.  The left column is a list of
threads participated in.  I just scan those for recent updates.

> Also, at what point do you promote users to admins?

I don't believe there are any hard and fast rules which helps avoid any sort
of "entitlement" issues.  My take is that aptitude, energy, consistent
involvement and (perhaps most importantly) need are all weighted factors.  I
reckon there are some other historical factors as well.


Chris aka "HandySolo"

On 6/19/07, Chris Poteet <cpoteet at siolon.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Chris Poteet, and I've started to be more active in responding
> to
> help requests as I have been helped.  Is there an easy way to track follow
> ups to help requested you've helped on?  I can add everyone to my
> favorites
> and do that via RSS, but is there an automatic way (seriously lazy)?
> Also, at what point do you promote users to admins?
> Chris
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