[wp-forums] The future of the forums

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 22:30:50 GMT 2007

Handy wrote:
> Gonna have to get you a publisher's license for that book.  :-p
Hahaha.. Yeah, getting the publisher's license is already in the works.. 
[looks at watch, and thinks to self] Dang, I should have gotten it by 
now, Oh well, the whole process is worth the wait though!

> If I understand your treatise on why I'm all wet, my response would be as
> follows:
> When making a new post, there's a Post field for the err, post, and right
> below it a "Send Post" button.  I'd propose that right to the left of 
> that
> "Send Post" button, we add a little drop-down box or series of check 
> boxes
> that list current/reasonable releases.
> Something like:
> older
> 1.5x
> 2.0x
> 2.1x
> 2.2beta (?)
> Not listed.
> Something along those lines at any rate.  Then, for each post (not
> thread/topic) we know what release they're on.
> Maybe even some helpful text next to it (Not sure what version?  Log 
> in and
> look at the bottom of any admin page!).
> Anywho, that's my vision.
+1 From me too. Even though I dwelt on the whole Forum Categories idea, 
that sounds good to me as well. I just hope people use it, and notice it 
well though.. =/

Petit wrote:
 >Should the version be added to the post title or as a TAG ?
 >Maybe best to ask for version only for the first post, in effect 
marking the thread?

I'd say as a "tag", not in the thread's title. That would get all messy 
and confusing I think..

Handy wrote:
 >I think I'd prefer to have it on every post to help when threads are 
12 months later.

Yeah, I agree with this as well. ;) :)

Overall, this was a really nice idea Handy.. :);)  Now, if we can *all* 
vote on the comment-quick-tags plugin.. we'd be set.. lmao. :P


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