[wp-forums] The future of the forums

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 18:08:38 GMT 2007

Handy wrote:
> After more pondering...
> My take:
> Don't duplicate all the forums.  Just add some way that folks can 
> indicate
> what release they're running as part of the posting process.
That sounds good too, however, how would/could this be done, though? 
Just looking at the index page again there.. I see the normal forums, 
and if I was User Billybob coming to the forums for *only* 2.1 support, 
dive into one of those forums.. how would I/Billybob know which are 
*only* 2.1 threads to browse through for possible support, or whatever? 
Because, not everyone includes "2.1" in their titles, or includes "2.1" 
in their posts content.

As far the others (Joe users) see it, they think 2.1 IS and WILL BE the 
main WP version to use, where as they could really also still use 2.0.X 
version too. 2.0.X and 2.1.X versions will be supported in the forums, 
and if seeing massive amounts of 2.0.X related questions in the forums, 
and hardly any specifically set for 2.1, they might be confused.. Well, 
it still would be though, because not everyone includes "2.1" in the 
thread's title.

And even if it was implemented into the post title's by "selection" of 
which version it's running, you'll have a thread title like this then:

User Chelsea chose 2.1 for her support question: "[2.1] Sidebar drops in 
Internet Explorer"..
Mod closes one of her dupes: "[closed] [2.1] Sidebar drops in Internet 
User Chelsea resolved it: "[Resolved] [2.1] Sidebar drops in Internet 
Mod closes duped/ resolved" [Closed] [Resolved] [2.1] Sidebar drops in 
Internet Explorer"...

That would or could become overwhelming itself lmao.. I don't know, I 
guess I'm just being old fashioned here, but, I really think something 
of at least this nature might help more...

2.0 Support (Forum Category 1)
- 2.0 Installation - Problems with getting it running.
- 2.0 How-To Troubleshooting - Once it's running.
- 2.0 Themes and Templates - XHTML and CSS
- 2.0 Plugins and Hacks - Extensions and modifications.

2.1 Support (Forum Category 2)
- 2.1 Installation - Problems with getting it running.
- 2.1 How-To and Troubleshooting - Once it's running.
- 2.1 Themes and Templates - XHTML and CSS
- 2.1 Plugins and Hacks - Extensions and modifications.

General (Forum Category 3)
- WP-Advanced - Beyond Codex Questions
- Your WordPress - Strut your stuff.
- Miscellaneous - Almost everything else.
- Requests and Feedback - Feature requests; criticism.

Of course, this is just an example layout, and it's not a written in 
stone deal. But, while at least all of this discussion is going on 
though, it sure would be nice to have that "Comment-Quicktag-4-bbPress 
plugin integrated though.. ;) :) 


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