[wp-forums] Search thoughts

Samuel Bollinger sbollinger at comeuphither.com
Fri Jan 26 19:44:22 GMT 2007

That would be a God-send to sort by date/id then relevence. I think a 
lot of people give up on search when the topics listed are months to a 
year and a half old.

Handy wrote:
> Just saw this post: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/102731?replies=1
> In summary, the poster is asking if the search results could be sorted by
> date.  I can see the appeal, especially around upgrade time.  
> Especially for
> those who struggle with search terms.
> Which begs this question:  How are search results currently sorted?  I've
> assumed some sort of context order where, in theory, the best match is at
> the top.  But the results don't always seem to bear that out.  Thus I
> wonder.
> Would it make sense to offer the ability to sort results by 
> date/thread-id
> or context?
> Is that even feasible?
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