[wp-forums] The future of the forums

Kaf Oseo kaf at szub.net
Wed Jan 24 06:56:46 GMT 2007

A few points I wanted to make apart from my little list:

Whatever we do should be aimed at improving how the forums are used,
and can be put to use. Keep in mind we need to serve admins, mods AND
members in this. We can come up with something that does wonders for
support time but makes life miserable for people just trying to get a
WordPress installation running right.

Feel free to think big. The solution may have to be far more extensive
and far-reaching (and harder to implement!) than we may be expecting.
The curve way down the road can be just as important as the turn we're
thinking about making right now.

Finally, this is a chance for *us* to brainstorm. We (sadly!) are not
the final arbiter of what happens on the forums. Keep that in mind.


P.S. No solution is full-proof, nor permanent.

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