[wp-forums] Beta Forum description

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 04:53:24 GMT 2007

On 1/23/07, Brian Layman <Brian at thecodecave.com> wrote:
> > The description for the Beta forum, now that 2.1 is out, should revert
> > back to:      Discuss unreleased versions of WordPress
> > or modified to something that doesn't make mention of 2.1.
> Maybe the "Beta Forum" should simply be the "Release Candidate Forum -
> Discussion of WordPress RC releases"

+1 (are we allowed to do that in a non-coding group?)

This seems, to me at least, a low-stress rational way to approach that

With that name and description, it never needs to be renamed, the intent is
> perfectly clear to everyone, anyone who doesn't know what an RC Release is
> will be scared away and you also won't have to go around creating extra
> forums when there are three, or more RCs under discussion for the
> different
> tracs, as quite likely will happen in the coming years.
> Besides, any alpha or beta that isn't an RC, should really be sent to the
> WP-Tester list and not forced on the forum dudes, right?

Yeah.  But I've been marveling at the amount of 2.1 release support going on
in there today!

- handy

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