[wp-forums] Pasting Code

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 11:46:32 GMT 2007

Just to update on this, I posted a request on the bbdev list, asking Michael Adams about maybe getting the "bbPress Quick Tags plugin implemented into the WP forums.. 

I posted my link in there, but I forgot, you have to be logged in to view it, here's a screenshot of it:

Hopefully something like that could be implemented into the forums, to be more user friendly. ;) :) There's even a separate plugin that would allow images in there as well.

But, that one might slow down the thread load times and stuff, however, it would be nice to use rather then posting image links lol! =P 


[Les Bessant wrote, waay back when>
Without looking at the innards of the forum code, this is just a guess, but surely it wouldn't be too big a job to add the equivalent of Quicktags? Not a lot of them, but one for "code" and one for "link" would make things a lot easier for less technically-minded users, and save a lot of work for mods....]

Yes, I dug up an OLD topic here, but, maybe this will have people jumping so high, they smack their heads off the ceiling beam.. 

I'm not positive on this one, and currently, the download is "unavailable" because of a little issue apparently.. but.. someone made up this "Comment Quicktags 4 bbpress plugin" .. 

"You can add a quicktags toolbar over textarea for inserting or editing posts in the various bbPress pages. 

Te plugin already support the IMG tag to include images inside a topic."

To read more about it, here's the thread link:

Maybe, if, and or when the person get's it fixed, and that's even if it's the RIGHT type of plugin Les was talking about, maybe Michael Adams could implement it into the WP.org forums..? 

Anyway, just wanted to share this with everyone..

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