[wp-forums] Upgrading Forums

Samuel Bollinger sbollinger at comeuphither.com
Sun Feb 11 00:41:25 GMT 2007

Yes I see the same thing with the white space. The backtick thing is 
back to normal.
I have to say I can really fly around the forums now - server upgrade - A+

Moshu wrote:
>  Still on the "general upgrade" issue.
> Is it just my computer/screen or anybody else is seeing the same?
> Namely, in the top bordered "square" there is on the left side:
> - topic title
> - (# of posts)
> Started 1 hour ago by user
> Latest reply from user
> Add this topic to your favorites (?)
> This topic is
> + dropdown
> Now on the RIGHT side there used to be the tags. They are still there but
> starting only where the left column ends... leaving a lot of white space  on
> the right or left of both columns.
> m.
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