[wp-forums] Forum Search, again sigh.

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 07:58:47 GMT 2007

I've been trying my hardest to search on the WP forums, and even tried 
the Google method for search the site:wordpress.org/support search terms 
and still nothing comes up sigh. Can someone please take a look at this 
again, or something? Thanks..

By the way, I'm trying to help NuclearMoose with his database error of:
WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'rel_type' in 'field list']
SELECT post_id, category_id, rel_type FROM wp_post2cat WHERE post_id IN

He's running on the trunk/ and has ALL the plugins disabled, and even 
reverted back to Default theme. I remember seeing this some where 
before, but I can't find the post(s) on it because stupid search is 
broken.. >_< Can anyone point a finger in the right direction LoL?


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