[wp-forums] Bozo'd

Samuel Bollinger sbollinger at comeuphither.com
Wed Apr 11 23:12:21 GMT 2007

Good for you. I was contemplating same.

Handy wrote:
> I bozo'd this Paretti guy: http://wordpress.org/support/profile/174373
> Every post had a sig, every post led to his site where he's selling some
> sort of plugin pack (plugins he has gathered, not written).
> Samboll and I each were moderating and warning, but he's almost 
> frantically
> making posts... so, he's bozo'd.
> Bozo'ing apparently sends everything to the Akismet queue, so I'll 
> keep an
> eye on his stuff there and let loose any that seem valid.
> Cheers,
> handy
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