[wp-forums] Please read! Inregards to Install4free.. devs, podz, anyone!

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 30 21:04:16 GMT 2006

Matt, Ryan, Podz, coders, anyone really.. 

We are seriously in NEED of a way to either Archive, moderated comments over at the Install4free site, or something.. =/

We are already at 221 now, since we actually promoted it a few weeks back. And for me on dialup, I dunno about some others... but it's really becoming an issue. I almost get the feeling that the Firefox browser is going to crash on me.. =/

Not only does it take forever to load that many comments, on a Moderation Queue page refresh, but also going in there "freshly" after being logged out...and signing back in..

We discussed this on the wp-install list, but.. not every installer chipped into the convo, and no higher-ups either.. so, we're really, really, going to need something, here soon, to be able to some how archive the "handled/successful" requests.. or something..  We came up with *some* ideas on the wp-install list.. here they are below..

1) (bear in mind this) We can NOT APPROVE the comments, or they will show up on the "get in touch" page.. So, either we could,.. have CSS code in the theme's css file, to display:none; for the comments. To keep them from showing to people.. OR, some how have it(theme files) coded, for ONLY the people with ADMIN ACCESS to view it, on the "get in touch" page, and no others..  (Would the installers, maybe, be able to get rights to edit theme files and so forth? Just throwing this out lol!)

Another possible thing, is to have all the installers, manually copy and save, each and every "handled/successful" request to a TXT file, and have it on their hard drives. Which, to me isn't really a good idea, being that mine had just crashed on me two weeks ago.. so..  or...

2) Another issue is, we are having install requests, that were abandoned by the initial requesters.. Requests that dated back to the Birth of Install4free itself.. July up through, to the present day.. People are submitting comments, for requests.. we then send them emails.. and weeks go by... no word. Sometimes I actually hit those people up on an instant messenger, only to find out.. they don't want it anymore.. or they picked something else.. or whatever.. 

After deleting those abandoned one.. from back in July, as newer ones come in, we are getting New ones mixed throughout the Moderation Queue page itself.. =/  Of course.. I usually just copy/paste the latest date "Sep 30" into the, "Find in this Page" option in Firefox lol! Then find them that way. ;)  I don't believe there is a work around for that issue though, just was throwing out into the open lol.

3) Not sure if the "Role Manager" plugin, or whatever, would work for this, or even some type of password protected plugin would be awesome for this, only thing is though, we would still need either Matt, Ryan, or maybe even Podz to be able to upload those plugins, and make the changes..? =/  

Even then though, we would prolly want/need the "paged comments plugin" too, so the comments are displayed as 10 per page, or so.. so we don't have the same problem as we have now, except it's on the blog's pages itself lol!!

I'm not sure what/how/where ... "we" could start with something maybe.. but, something NEEDS to be done, and "we/installers" need some more ideas, suggestions and so forth..

Some of us installers, already came up with an idea on a Time frame, for removing "Dead Requests".. so, that's covered.. Also keeping a record.. of how many total we had all together, or still have done successfully.. and so forth.. so..  Anything I miss peoples? Other installers?  

Sorry for being so looong, but.. had to bring it to a higher traffic list .. Anyway, any thoughts, suggestions and so forth? Thanks in advanced.. 

/ maybe should make this a forum thread instead eh? =P  

Also, please excuse some typos and grammar mistakes, being bugged on yahoo mess, and trying to write this up quickly.. sigh

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