[wp-forums] Akismet just HATES this guy

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Sat Sep 30 19:37:32 GMT 2006

ROFL  :-)   I guess I could've found a more politically correct way to make
my point... but that wouldn't be as fun, would it?

On 9/30/06, Shelly <foolish.visions at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm just reporting to you offlist -
> but this is the goddamn funniest thing I've heard all day.  Maybe it's
> because I've been sitting here working on this site since 7:00 am, but
> the line "Akismet just has a total hard-on for him" almost made me pee
> my pants.
> Just thought I'd share.
> ~Shelly
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