[wp-forums] Forums heat map

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 16:09:56 GMT 2006

> What I meant was that one argument about not having tags which someone will undoubtedly use is that they are not clicked on. But neither is the Requests forum, or Latest Discussions. Maybe if the Forum Rules wasn't so dark we'd see more. We cannot use 'clicks' or the lack of as  aprime indicator.
> Put tags where READ ME FIRST is.
> Leave search where it is.
> Have a left col (where tags are) that has
> Rules
> Codex
> Resources
> P.

Sound sweet to me! Let's put this together, and make it work peoples! Chop! Shop! hahaha.. =P 

/scratch my first idea.. with that image and such.. let's go with awesome podz's, awesome suggestion here lmao! 

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